Stock Fantasy Game and Peru Mining Company to Give Away Gold Bullion!

Co-founder Neil Currie created as a way to get regular people interested and educated in the stock market. It's a fun, safe and risk free environment where players build fantasy stock portfolios yet win real money. And after two short years the website is showing a lot of success.

"In the last year we have managed to double the numbers of users and now have almost 5 thousand people fantasy trading in Stockpools," says Currie. "Within the next two years we hope to have 50 thousand people having fun and winning money...we are extremely happy with the growth of the website."

The virtual trading site gave away nearly 70 thousand dollars in weekly prizes in the past year; money generated from the companies profiled on Currie's website.

"Our latest promotion is in partnership with Inca One, a Peru based gold mining company," adds Currie. "They are putting up 3.5 ounces of gold, valued at nearly 6 thousand dollars, for the top three portfolios in the pool."

"The Inca One Pool is really a celebration of the many investment opportunities that exist in Peru right now," says Edward Kelly, President & CEO of Inca One Resources. "We're hoping this contest is a fun, interactive way to help raise awareness for Peru mining companies."

The pool deadline is on 6AM Friday March 15th.

There is no cost to the player to take part in the fantasy trading which means no risk; you simply sign up and play, much like a fantasy sports pool. Players compete against each other to try and pick the best performing companies and build the most valuable fantasy portfolio. The benefit is players educate themselves on the market and have the chance to win real prizes. is an easy online platform that gives any users free reign to create a custom pool consisting of publicly traded companies in North America, and compete against friends, family and colleagues while doing so.

Neil Currie is a young entrepreneur focused on development in the small/mid cap stock market and online. Currie was forced to transition into a new career path several years ago after being seriously injured in a construction accident. In 2006 he was hired by a local junior mining company as their investor relations specialist. He left to help create, a free real-time stock quote website, and since has gone onto found and Capital Event Management.

Contact Information

Stockpools Inc.
Neil Currie
President & CEO
604 684 2444 or Toll Free: 1 855 684 2444
Mobile: 604 561 8196

Cannon Fire Media
Evan Kelly

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