Most of us are aware we live in a world of sophisticated electronics technology. What people are unaware of are the amounts of precious metals, (such as Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium etc.,) that go into making that technology work. In a nod to that technology and in an effort to get the word out, author AU Notes has launched the website, to raise awareness of the amounts of gold and other precious metals in our discarded technologies and to showcase his new e-book “Recovering Gold & Other Precious Metals from Electronic Scrap” which gives more of an idea of where and how to recover these precious metals.
According to Notes, we are virtually surrounded by precious metals waiting to be recovered from obsolete and discarded electronics technology. In fact, for those who know, there’s a lot of incentive. Gold currently tops over $1400 an ounce and is moving up. Comparatively speaking, it’s much easier to recover gold from electronics than it is to mine it and refine it, in nature.
And that, of course, is the crux of Notes point. With the economy being as it is and so much valuable e-scrap cluttering our dwellings and virtually littering the landscape, can any of us truly afford to remain ignorant of how to recover precious metals from electronics scrap?
If you were to ask Notes, the answer would be “No. People can’t afford to remain ignorant of how to recover precious metals from e-scrap.” One gram of gold right now is worth over $50. That’s roughly the low end of what most people recover from a single computer and half of what’s recovered on average from a single cell phone!
Therein lays Notes raison d’etre for launching the website as well as for writing and selling his e-book. “Whether or not a person decides to pursue this themselves” he says “It’s important they have this information at the ready in case they should ever need it. That’s why “Recovering Gold & Other Precious Metals from Electronic Scrap” sells for just $2.99 in the Kindle Store on Amazon.”
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