Junior miners gold price forecast

In today's market environment, there is a lot of different ways to invest that money. You can buy the funds of all sorts, shares and bonds, realestate or commodities. There are thousands of ways out there to invest. Not all will give you a return on your investment. With uncertainty in the world markets as we saw in 2012 there is probably more ways to lose money to make money.

As editor of www.juniorminers.com, watched the junior mining market for almost 20 years. Over time I've seen fortunes made and fortunes lost. Today, with more junior mining or even the inside of the CAP mining stocks looted in 52 week lows and lower title that seems like a good time to buy, but then we read almost daily the fact that hedge funds and naked shorters is on the warpath of almost every stock and mining have pummeled stock prices into the basement, making it impossible for many younger to get funding. Many juniors won't be able to get the money they need and should either be closed down or merged with other companies.

You can buy gold and silver bullion as a way to invest. After all, gold has returned approximately 15% per year since 2001. This past year gold has returned only approximately 3% year over year. That may seem small, but it is much more than some so-called safe investments such as savings bonds a Government or any Government Treasury bills. The problem with buying precious metals, these days is the premium that needs someone to pay, and also available in precious metals, the same. You don't need to look far to see that there is a physical gold and silver. Waiting times can range from a few weeks to months. Investing in precious metals is a great idea and invest in both gold and silver myself and encourage others to buy as a safe haven, or as some call it, insurance.

My motto for the last two years has been: "don't buy gold, buy a gold mine".
Today we see a lot of investors and people who just want to cover the bases and is looking for more in research, exploration and outright good mining property market. If staking claims to themselves or those just looking at buying claims, we have seen a huge interest and demand for good mineable properties and have meaning only. For the price of a few ounces of gold can still hold an entire requirement that has the potential to produce back to you, hundreds of ounces of gold.

Although the gold mining is a game that largely took the risk, there is still money to be made by the proving ground and then resell or optioning in the ground, or exactly what mining yourself. A lot of successful independent miners got their start with a frying pan and a collection. Many of those were mining gold in this way, when the price was a mere $ 400 or so. It takes a different kind of person to take on the challenge of seeking out a claim. It also takes a lot of hard work, but the rewards are there for those who dare.

I really think that we'll see $ 3000 gold in the not too distant future. I stood by my predictions for $ 3000 gold for about the last eight years. There are others who provide $ 5,000 Gold and higher. Think for a moment what good mining claim could be worth then?

View section classified by premium in http://www.juniorminers.com/forsale.html mining properties

Gregg Adams

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